Hail reports from HailStrike give you ALL the information you need. Hail reports from HailStrike give you ALL the information you need. Hail reports from HailStrike give you ALL the information you need.

HailStrike's new OneSite Mobile app allows users to access the most extensive, detailed and time-sensitive hail reporting data from the field from virtually any mobile device. This app gives you the flexibility of requesting hail data and potential dates-of-loss with the touch of a finger. The only input needed is a property address which can be automatically generated by a powerful geolocating algorithm, or by manually entering a property address. This powerful tool takes the address and reports all the hail activity since January of 2011, including size, duration, storm speed, storm direction and more.

The OneSite Mobile app can deliver two types of reports; A comprehensive, detailed OneSite report with historical activity along with support documentation, or a OneSite Lite that individually lists the dates of activity. The app generates both kinds of reports in under three minutes. Additionally, a PDF file is created that users can access within the app itself and a copy of the report is sent to the registered user's email.

OneSite Reports utilize Dual Polarization, NEXRAD radars' newest technology, which creates a digital, High Definition look into the heart of a storm. Only HailStrike captures, stores and analyzes this data every five minutes from NOAA's NEXRAD [Next-Generation Radar] stations across the country and then processes it with HailStrike's patented algorithms.

Hail Tracking has never been this easy. Our complete suite of tools puts the answers you need in your hands.

Whatever your application is, we have designed a full suite of tools to help you be the most efficient you can be when it comes to knowing the details of any hail event in the United States. Utilizing the latest in technological advances, HailStrike™ collects data from multiple resources and puts them all together to provide you with an easy-to-use toolset.

If you need Hail Verification for a particular property address, we can help.

With your address - we can tell you when.
With your date - we can tell you how much.
With your loss - we can show you the details.

HailStrike is a radar-based tool that covers the entire United States and has historical tracking information about hail storms as far back as 5 years. It is the backbone to our business and has provided an alternative to "Pay Per Storm" maps that only provide information about a single storm at a single location.

OneSite Reports are fast becoming the new standard in hail verification. Based on a site specific address, it gives complete details of storm at a particular location. Our proprietary patented algorithm is the only industry solution for indicating the intensity of hail activity. The best way to appreciate a OneSite report is to see one, so click on the link to the right and examine one yourself.

AniSwath is a revolutionary tool providing "playback" of an entire storm much like you would see on the news as it is passing through. However, our AniSwath is showing you only the hail in a storm. With this tool you can see the speed, direction and length of time a storm affected an area. It has the ability to play a storm in an animated fashion or you can simply see the "overview" of the storm. It also utilizes a "heat map" that shows the intensity of hail activity.

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If you have any questions or need help signing up, feel free to give us a call at (214) 329 - 0712